About Kramer Creative

Meet the Owner

Brad Kramer

I’m a digital content expert based in Lancaster, PA. 

For ten years, I’ve worked with nonprofits, ministries, and social entrepreneurs to get their message heard and build their community of supporters through strategic digital content creation. 

I’ve experienced the frustrations and limitations of non-profits and mission-driven startups first-hand. Like you, I’ve felt like I was building a plane while I was flying it. I’ve thrown things against the wall and wondered if anything would stick. 

If you’re sick and tired of trying to duct-tape together your organization’s website and digital materials, or spending way too much money on unreliable and overpriced marketing agencies, I’d love to chat about how Kramer Creative is different. 

The digital world can be overwhelming. Let’s navigate it together. 

A Story About A Widow's Sandals

That’s me on the ground in the photo.

I went to Uganda in the summer of 2023 to capture photos and videos for Redeem International, a nonprofit protecting widows and orphans from violence and exploitation. We traveled out to a very rural area of Uganda to meet an extraordinary group of women who were fighting for their rights after losing their husbands.

Redeem International wanted images and footage that portrayed the strength, resilience, and courage of the women they served. As I walked with one of these women through her property and heard her amazing story, I suddenly got the idea to capture an image of her calloused, sandaled feet walking down the dirt path. 

Initially, the clients and staff were bemused and confused by why the American dude was laying on the dirt in front of her shoes. But when I showed them the image on the back of the camera, their eyes lit up.  

And when Redeem produced their 2023 Annual Report, they decided to use the image of the widow’s sandals on the back cover. 


Why am I telling a story about the shoes of a Ugandan woman? 

Because I know firsthand that to really capture mission and vision of an organization, you have to be willing to try to see things from a different angle — even if it means getting face down in the Ugandan dirt. 

Let’s work together to find the right angle to inspire your audiences and move them to action.